Old Narativ.cz | web pro postmoderní směry v terapii a poradenství


The First International Symposium on Relational Research

TAOS Institute Europe, Institute of Sociology at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
and Narativ Brno present:

The First International Symposium
on Relational Research

“Changing practice through research and
changing research through practice”

12 September, 2014


First TAOS Institute Europe Summit

“Co-creating our community”

13 September, 2014
Academic Conference Centre, Husova 4a, Prague, Czech Republic

TAOS Institute EuropeInstitute of Sociology at the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic

Symposium speakers:  Kenneth Gergen, Sheila McNamee

Workshops and roundtables: Sheila Mcnamee, Ottar Ness, Celiane Camargo Borges, Lenka Formánková and others.

The emerging post-modern paradigms in social research are provoking changes in the way knowledge is understood and produced in research. The focus shifts from the discovery of a pre-existing truth or singular reality to the process of constructing knowledge in diverse contexts. Postmodern strategies recognize the dynamic and constructed nature of reality while encouraging attention to the interpersonal relationships that ultimately shape and define our experience. In this dialogical approach orientation, openness, multiplicity, appreciation and engagement are invited in research. As a consequence, a democratic view on what is possible in research is emerging and connecting more with daily practice in organizations and society. Critical analysis, reflexive deliberation, co-operative inquiry, performative, and action research – among others - stem from this relational epistemology.

The symposium aims to discuss diverse epistemological strategies located in a relational and collaborative view of research and related methodological and ethical implications.

The following topics are the core of the symposium:

  1. What are relationally engaged forms of research?
  2. What are the epistemological, methodological and ethical implications of a relational research approach?
  3. To what extent are the boundaries between the scientific inquiry and the everyday search for understanding of lived experience blurring?
  4. What is a role of power in relational research?

Detailed program

The conference fee is:

  • 50 euro for the two days (coffee breaks are included)
  • 40 euro symposium only (12.9.2014)
  • 30 euro TIE summit only (13.9.2014)

Organizing institutes:

Taos Europe
Academy of Science

Registration form here


Úvod do teorie a praxe otevřeného dialogu


Spolek Narativ pořádá


Termín: 15.-16. 12. 2022 (vždy 9:00 – 16:30), 16 výukových hodin
Cena: 3.300,- Kč

více informací zde..

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Embedded thumbnail for Rocio Chaveste Gutierréz: Postmoderní filozofie a praxe napříč kulturami (2011)


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